Do your teeth have stains? Whitening is not the only option to restore a brighter smile. At the reception, an oral hygienist or dentist can remove stubborn stains that do not go away at home on their own. Mechanical cleaning is a gentler way to remove superficial discoloration from teeth than whitening.
Soda cleaning is a gentle way to remove superficial discoloration from teeth. In soda cleaning, the stains are removed with a powder cleaner, which has water, compressed air and powder coming out of its tip at the same time. This is a very effective but gentle way to remove stains. In soda cleaning, the surface of the tooth is made completely slippery and shiny. The duration of the procedure is about 20 minutes.
Stains can be removed from the teeth both mechanically with instruments and with a machine.
An oral hygienist cleans the surfaces of teeth with instruments designed to remove tartar. After mechanical cleaning, the tooth surfaces are polished with a rubber cup and granular paste, which makes the tooth surface slippery. When the surface of a tooth is slippery and clean, the discoloration does not adhere to its surface so easily.
An oral hygienist can also remove stains with an ultrasonic device for removing tartar. The water coming from the tip of the ultrasound, combined with the vibration of the tip, effectively removes tartar and discoloration at the same time. After the ultrasonic cleaning, a paste cleaning can also be done to make the teeth as clean and slippery as possible.
Teeth can stain for many different reasons. Some foods stain teeth more than others. These oods include coffee, tea, red wine and soy. Smoking and snus stain the teeth the most.
Discoloration occurs when a dark color of food or tobacco, for example, clings to the surface of the tooth. This makes the tooth surface a bit rough and matte. In this case, new discoloration is easily attached to the previous discoloration, which makes the tooth look darker than it really is.
You can try to prevent tooth discoloration by cleaning your teeth thoroughly every day, in the morning and in the evening.